Connecting People    –    Understanding Cultures    –    Experiencing History


Connecting People

Understanding Cultures

Experiencing History

Welcome to Nile River Connections

You are entering one of the oldest and most exciting regions of the world that has interested travellers for centuries. However, travel to this region can be challenging. By using this website and our travel network, we will assist you as you plan and prepare for your travels, whether your stay here is only a few hours or extends to several weeks. We not only live in Egypt, but have a wide group of local friends in the travel industry, who will lead you into their culture and history, creating an experience of a lifetime.

Our primary focus is on Egypt, but we can also assist with travels to Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda, 4 countries along the Nile River.
As you venture into each location you will see how the cultures and histories of each country are linked and influence one another, and how this connection has existed for thousands of years: from the Pharaohs, Cushites, Greeks, Romans, to the Christian and Muslim influences of today.

“Our friends are your hosts, you are our guests”









Our Story

We are Tim & Ingrid Briscoe. We have been married for 33 years and are in our late 50s, with 2 inspirational adult children. We have traveled extensively over the last 36 years to 53 countries and lived in 6 of them (and in each of those for a minimum of 2 years). We have first-hand experience of all the pit-falls of package travels, and have seen an increase in demand for a more meaningful approach to travel.

We have lived in Alexandria (Egypt) for 15 years, and we have traveled to all the major sites and destinations of the 4 countries that we will be dealing with: some as a family, some as a couple and some with friends and guests. We have begun to know, understand and feel what the countries have to offer, and how to show each off to its best advantage, in an ethical, responsible and respectful way.

In all cases, the journey cannot be done without our local friends in each country. We have found that the people of this region are some of the most hardworking, kind hearted, fun loving people we have ever met, who love their countries and cultures and look forward to sharing them with guests

Our Vision

To promote cultural understanding through memorable and transforming experiences, by connecting international guests with experienced and engaging local Egyptian, Sudanese, Ethiopian and Ugandan hosts, and together with trust and integrity, build inter-cultural bridges, and be a source of income for local people

Connect with us and move forward …